"(0,0),(0,6),(8,0)"の形の3頂点の座標から中心の座標(x, y)と半径rを求め、
python3 |
# coding: utf-8 import math def rounding(n): n = int(n) if n==int(n) else round(n, 2) #rounding n = int(n) if n==int(n) else n #3.0, 3.00 >>> 3 return n def circumcenter(data): #split data_split = data.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(",") x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = map(int, data_split) #length of each side to the second power and area of the triangle a2 = (x2 - x3) **2 + (y2 -y3) ** 2 b2 = (x1 - x3) **2 + (y1 -y3) ** 2 c2 = (x2 - x1) **2 + (y2 -y1) ** 2 area = ((x2 - x1) * (y3 -y1) - (x3 -x1) * (y2- y1)) / 2 #not on the same line please if area == 0: return "three points exist on the same line" #circumcenter coordinate and radius x = (a2*(b2+c2-a2)*x1 + b2*(c2+a2-b2)*x2 +c2*(a2+b2-c2)*x3) / (16*area*area) y = (a2*(b2+c2-a2)*y1 + b2*(c2+a2-b2)*y2 +c2*(a2+b2-c2)*y3) / (16*area*area) r = math.sqrt((x1 - x ) ** 2 + (y1 - y) ** 2) #rounding x, y, r = map(rounding, [x, y, r]) #join to return return "(x-{})^2+(y-{})^2={}^2".format(x, y, r) if __name__ == '__main__': print(circumcenter("(0,0),(0,6),(8,0)")) print(circumcenter("(7,3),(9,6),(3,6)")) print(circumcenter("(3,4),(4,2),(5,0)"))
map(lambda x:int(x), data_split)
map(int, data_split)
# coding: utf-8 def circumcenter(data): #coordinates (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) = eval(data) #length of each side squared and area of the triangle a2 = (x2 - x3) **2 + (y2 -y3) ** 2 b2 = (x1 - x3) **2 + (y1 -y3) ** 2 c2 = (x2 - x1) **2 + (y2 -y1) ** 2 area = ((x2 - x1) * (y3 -y1) - (x3 -x1) * (y2- y1)) / 2 #is_triangle if area == 0: return "three points exist on the same line" #circumcenter coordinate and radius x = (a2*(b2+c2-a2)*x1 + b2*(c2+a2-b2)*x2 + c2*(a2+b2-c2)*x3) / (16*area*area) y = (a2*(b2+c2-a2)*y1 + b2*(c2+a2-b2)*y2 + c2*(a2+b2-c2)*y3) / (16*area*area) r = ((x1-x)**2 + (y1-y)**2)**0.5 #rounding x, y, r = map(lambda x:round(x, 2) if x!=int(x) else int(x), (x, y, r)) #return the equation return "(x-{})^2+(y-{})^2={}^2".format(x, y, r) if __name__ == '__main__': print(circumcenter("(0,0),(0,6),(8,0)")) print(circumcenter("(7,3),(9,6),(3,6)")) print(circumcenter("(3,4),(4,2),(5,0)"))
# coding: utf-8 import math def triangle(a, b, c): if abs(b-c) >= a or (b+c) <= a: print("三角形になりません") else: s = (a + b + c) / 2 area = (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))**0.5 in_radius = 2 * area / (a + b + c) out_radius = (a * b * c) / (4 * in_radius * s) angle1 = round(math.acos((b*b + c*c -a*a)/(2*b*c))/math.pi*180) angle2 = round(math.acos((c*c + a*a -b*b)/(2*c*a))/math.pi*180) angle3 = round(math.acos((a*a + b*b -c*c)/(2*a*b))/math.pi*180) angles = sorted([angle1, angle2, angle3]) print("3辺:", a, b, c) print("面積:", round(area, 2)) print("内接円の半径:", round(in_radius, 2)) print("外接円の半径:", round(out_radius, 2)) print("角度:", *angles) triangle(3, 4, 5)
import math class Triangle2(): def __init__(self, a, b, c): self.a , self.b, self.c = a, b, c def is_triangle(self): return abs(self.b-self.c) < self.a and (self.b+self.c) > self.a def area(self): if self.is_triangle() != True: return 0 else: s = (self.a + self.b + self.c) / 2 return round((s * (s - self.a) * (s - self.b) * (s - self.c))**0.5, 2) def in_radius(self): if self.is_triangle() != True: return None else: return round(2 * self.area() / (self.a+ self.b + self.c), 2) def out_radius(self): if self.is_triangle() != True: return None else: s = (self.a + self.b + self.c) / 2 return round((self.a * self.b * self.c) / (4 * self.in_radius() * s), 2) def angles(self): if self.is_triangle() != True: return None else: a1 = (self.b**2 + self.c**2 -self.a**2)/(2 * self.b * self.c) a2 = (self.c**2 + self.a**2 -self.b**2)/(2 * self.c * self.a) a3 = (self.a**2 + self.b**2 -self.c**2)/(2 * self.a * self.b) return sorted([round(math.acos(a)/math.pi*180) for a in [a1, a2, a3]]) t = Triangle2(6, 8, 10) print(t.is_triangle()) # True print(t.area()) # 24.0 print(t.in_radius()) # 2.0 print(t.out_radius()) # 5.0 print(t.angles()) # [37, 53, 90]